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Sports and entertainment

1. A significant play name of this district: football, cricket, volleyball, kabaddi, badminton, hockey, handball, Kho-Kho, chess, boxing, athletics, swimming etc.

2. There is a playground for the Bir Shreshtha Hamidur Rahman Stadium located in the district headquarters.

3. List of sports events: football, cricket, volleyball, kabaddi, badminton, handball, chess, swimming etc.

4. Open-and-happy cricket game has been introduced since 2008. Apart from this, other games have been held continuously since long.

There are various cultural groups for entertainment in Jhenaidah district - they are briefly given below:


Shocking Artist Group: The Joker Artist Group's Debut in 1984 So far, the producer has produced theatrical plays. The number of exhibitions is more than hundred. Shantjwarardar's main sponsor Drama has been performed on Bangladesh Television.


Sunrise Dancing Group: Office of the Paglakanyai Ward. Sunrise Drama Group's debut in 1986 More than forty of the number of nominations produced by Bisinaatya. Its main sponsor Tapan Ganguly


Zhenida Theater: The group's debut was released in 1986. In addition to the city of the city, they have earned a lot of reputation in different village-level plays.


Evolution of the evolutionary drama: 1993 with the evolution of evolution The number of exhibitions on the forty. Founder President Raju Ahmad Mizan. Babu Kanak Kantidas and Narayan Nandi are making representations.


Jhenaidah branch of Bangladesh was established in 1995 with the establishment of Jhenaidah Branch. Apart from the rest of the organization, various organizations involved in cultural activities. Jahanidah branch of Bangladesh Ganeshilak Sangstha, led by Abdus Salam, is moving forward.


Ankur Natya Academy: On February 21, 1997, the Ankur Natya Academy started its journey on the Mahan Language Day. Although the team is very young, the team has already been able to get the membership of the group theater federation in Bangladesh. Apart from this, Graduate drama academy has played an active role in the exhibition of Khulna division of Bangladesh Television. Conducting various cultural activities and training camps. The dramatized 'Judge O' drama has been broadcast on Bangladesh Television, with its editor Nazimuddin Julius.


Bihanga debut with Bihanga Drama Group: 1995. Four plays have been displayed 27 times so far. Shahinoor Alam Liton has donated the leadership.


Child's Adolescent Drama: The only child teenage playwright in Jhenidah Its debut in 1995 President and Editor of Narayen Chandra Nandi and Md. Nazim Uddin Julius Shishukisher's drama respectively. They have done more drama stage of the bar. Jhenaidah Children's Adolescent Children's Theater List of Bangla People's Theater Association.

1.Dipayan Academy, Jhenaidah

2. Anand Cultural Organization, Jhenaidah

3. Industry Association's Institution, Jhenai |

4.Sur Niketan, Jhenaidah

5. Baul Parishad, Jhenaidah

6. Cultural academy, Jhenaidah

7. Humanism, Jhenaidah

The above cultural organizations have played a significant role in Jhenaidah's industry, literature and culture. Having participated in the state and national events, they have kept their talent in signature.


Film related topics

Jheenaidah Sadar cultural heritage, Amir Hossain Malatar directed film "Jati Akhter Pudhi" has been highly praised, as the first acting artist, Ad Mokarram Hossain Tulu.